Recent content by Julie

  1. Julie

    Welcome To The New Eforum

    What a welcoming surprise in my mail this morning - Pleased to see this forum back up - cheers Samuel :-)
  2. Julie

    I need people who can help me replace Facebook. Can you help?

    deepak057 I do hope you find investors to help you out. You are one to take feedback very seriously - just had another peek in today. The member count is certainly growing, but there needs to be more who are regularly active. I'll start and pop in a bit more often and stir-up some...
  3. Julie

    Do You Have Code?

    I think it's a great idea to learn coding, people brag about how smart their little kid is because they can use a computer ... but not too many go any further than that. I've actually signed up to classes and will be starting at the end of the month to learn just that. ;)
  4. Julie

    "We can't all and some of us don't. That's all there is to it" ~ Winnie The Pooh

    "We can't all and some of us don't. That's all there is to it" ~ Winnie The Pooh
  5. Julie

    How can I use affiliate marketing to monetize my site?

    You could write posts to do with products you use or have reviewed, placing your affiliate link within the article. Put links or banners on your side-bar. Offer free books or reports to your readers, again with an affiliate link in the report to a product that's related to the information.
  6. Julie

    Introduction Thread

    jax88 Hello and welcome to the forum
  7. Julie

    New to the forum!

    Hello J.Eldwin and welcome to eForum.
  8. Julie

    Twitter vs Facebook

    Both are very good social networks. Depends on what you're wanting to do. Twitter is great for short interactions & promotions, Facebook you can post more information per post and can interact more with your followers.
  9. Julie

    The last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances ~ Victor...

    The last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances ~ Victor Frankl
  10. Julie

    I need some web2.0 websites

    Nice list there Alex :)
  11. Julie

    Brute Hacking into Wordpress sites

    I'm glad you've appreciated the post. Hope the storm's over soon as well Magick and I hope along the way the hackers are tracked down and publicly whipped :mad:
  12. Julie

    Brute Hacking into Wordpress sites

    For anyone with a wordpress site, Hostgator have put up a good article to help with your security as the hackers are out with brutal force just now.
  13. Julie

    "Decide where you are going and how to get there. Then make a start from where you now stand."...

    "Decide where you are going and how to get there. Then make a start from where you now stand." ~ Napoleon Hill
  14. Julie

    Hi Friends

    Hi there and welcome to the eForum.
  15. Julie

    The 7 Secrets of a Successful Website

    I tend to leave sites that are too flashy and yes, if the navigation is all over the place, I stop looking and go else where. I've been to sites where it's all too complicating to purchase the product. The 'buy' button is hidden somewhere, not an internationally accepted service or you've to...