Michael James Swan Oct 9, 2014 is monitoring the community for spam posts, abusive members and those trying to circumvent the system after breaching the community terms.
is monitoring the community for spam posts, abusive members and those trying to circumvent the system after breaching the community terms.
Michael James Swan Mar 14, 2013 working on his new Branding, Marketing and Hosting website. Got all the branding sorted, just lots of design work left to do. Oh joy! LOL
working on his new Branding, Marketing and Hosting website. Got all the branding sorted, just lots of design work left to do. Oh joy! LOL
Michael James Swan Aug 9, 2012 is having a relaxing day and has just released information on his Search Engine Optimisation Technique.
is having a relaxing day and has just released information on his Search Engine Optimisation Technique.
Michael James Swan Aug 8, 2012 @05.03AM - Going to get some sleep.. Need to awake at 09.00AM -- Less than 4 hours sleep - How unhealthy :/
@05.03AM - Going to get some sleep.. Need to awake at 09.00AM -- Less than 4 hours sleep - How unhealthy :/
Michael James Swan Aug 7, 2012 is wondering where several of his posts have vanished too.. From 80+ posts, down to 79 again... I'm thinking Gremlins :/
is wondering where several of his posts have vanished too.. From 80+ posts, down to 79 again... I'm thinking Gremlins :/
Michael James Swan Aug 7, 2012 should be sleeping, but is destroying spam and contributing to the forums