Brute Hacking into Wordpress sites

Thanks for posting this Julie,

Website Magick has had a number of WP sites attacked also. It's industry wide and has cost a huge amount of money in terms of man hours.

One thing site owners should aware of: Unless you have a maintenance contract, you are responsible for maintaining your website and updating it with the recommended plugin updates.

Lets hope the storm stops soon.
I guess this is one reason to have a hard-coded site, as opposed to using some CMS such as WordPress, or Joomla. :cool:
I'm glad you've appreciated the post.
Hope the storm's over soon as well Magick and I hope along the way the hackers are tracked down and publicly whipped :mad:
I guess this is one reason to have a hard-coded site, as opposed to using some CMS such as WordPress, or Joomla. :cool:
Even some sites that were static HTML got attacked. It really made for a stressful week. Again the loss of a full days work for hard working people with small businesses is really low. there was nothing to gain from hurting these people.

I'm old school! Hacking in the old days was about freedom of information. Today's hackers are mostly just cyber vandals.