Vinoth, are you talking about your classified ads site? If so, you have all links and no text . Meta tags need serious work. Too many links (212). Search engines like no more than 100 per page. Your title and description meta tags have too many characters, too many keywords in keyword meta tag, and no relevancy. Keyword phrase "free online classified" is only found once.
This is in your description but not on your page: offers free online classifieds ads in India like matrimonial ads, automobile and machinery ads, India job listings, India used items sale, buy, rental ads , electronic ads, business opportunity ads, India real estate ads, India education institutions ads ,India travel packages ads
Put that on your page, top left above "Select State" area where spiders read first, but reword it taking out all the commas so that it doesn't look like keywords. For instance:
Welcome to The City Ads Free Online Classifieds in beautiful India. We are the Premiere Classified Ads site where you can post your advertisement at no cost. Locate the products and services you need or advertise your offers to connect with potential customers all over India. Select the desired city to search or post your ads.
Bookmark The City Ads Free Online Classifieds in India for easy one click access.
India | Online | Classifieds | The City Ads
The City Ads Free Online Classifieds in beautiful India. Post your advertisement at no cost.
(no spaces)
That all may need some tweaking, but just a suggestion. LOL! I hope that's the site you were referring to. If not, what's the url? If it needs fixed, we'll fix it and I'll send the spiders to it. You won't need to do submissions.
BTW I am loving that logo on your site! Very nice and professional looking!