Twitter vs Facebook

Both are very good social networks. Depends on what you're wanting to do. Twitter is great for short interactions & promotions, Facebook you can post more information per post and can interact more with your followers.
For me facebook stands out, Facebook is a far simpler and far more functional social media website (for the general, at large, user), and if I could find more things to complain about (in its form and function), I really would.
Of course Facebook. Because in today's time Facebook is more popular than twitter. And I read somewhere that 90% of twit is not read by any one.
Facebook is the best for SEO purposes. Because it is very interactive place where all types of people will be available but when we consider twitter we can find only big heads for whom our posts will be like just another.
Both are very good social networks. Depends on what you're wanting to do. Twitter is great for short interactions & promotions, Facebook you can post more information per post and can interact more with your followers.

I certainly agree with you both sites are amazing -- but which works best for you really depends on what you are trying to accomplish. If you are looking to bring attention to a business, promote ideas and promotions, Twitter can be your best friend. It's low maintenance and you can reach thousands with very little effort as long as your tweets are relevant.

FB on the other hand is amazing if you are looking to network and really put yourself out there. Creating a business page on Facebook allows you to communicate at length with potential customers and create a relationship that they will come to depend on. The interface that the site offers for businesses allows for easy promotion and you will find that FB business pages do well on search engines as well -- sometimes ranking higher than a company's blog or main site.
I use both, but Twitter is easier for networking as people tend to follow and then their followers can follow you. With Facebook, don't always check their messages and some people have a personal site and a dedicated page that links as I do. Twitter allows a quick contact which can be followed up. I have publishing companies following me from Twitter but not Facebook even though I followed them on both. It appears that is the medium businesses are comfortable with new introductions and to get a response.
I can't say for sure. In terms of likes and views, I get more organic clicks through Twitter. For Facebook, my promotional posts are a hit or miss and likes are slower. Twitter's advantage is its limited number of characters. You're spared from beating around the bush, a tendency which most of us fall prey to when using Facebook. There are instances, though, that I hit gold mines with just a single post at Facebook because it allows you to tag as many people as possible and provide information without worrying about space.
I think that Twitter is definitely better for making initial connections and broadcasting material. Facebook on the other hand is a great tool for communicating with customers, clients and followers with whom you have already established a solid connection. Facebook users are less likely to respond to people they don't know unless they are also actively trying to network - which is often not the case.